Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas!!!!!

It is looking a lot like Christmas at our house. I absolutely love this time of year. I love the hustle and the bustle. I love doing all the fun things with my girls that have become traditions in our house this time of year. Yesterday we baked 3 batches of homemade cookies from scratch. My daughter loves to cook and I have developed a love for baking.

Tomorrow we are making three pecan pies, two butterfinger pies and more homemade cookies. All of the pilots at David's new job have to fly on Wednesday so I thought I would make several batches for them to take on their trip.

Almost all of the presents are wrapped. All of the stocking stuffers are bought and ready to be placed in the stockings. I can't wait until Christmas. I get that from my daddy you know. He was just like a little kid, when it came to Christmas. And so am I. I am always the first one up on Christmas morning. I always get up and start the Christmas music playing, hoping to wake the girls up.

I hope the girls will wake us up this year. Tonight we went looking at Christmas lights with the girls and my mom. She might have to have hip replacement surgery after Christmas and right now she is on strong medicine to help with the pain. So we do not want to leave her by herself. She is supposed to use a walker or a wheel chair if she needs to get around. She is staying at our house tonight. I am so glad to have her here to serve her like she served me so many years growing up. Christmas is all about Jesus, family, friends, and love. Lots and lots of love. And sharing it with your loved ones.

One of my favorite things that we do is go to church as a family on Christmas Eve. So mom, if she feels up to it will go with us tomorrow to church for Christmas Eve service. I love that being together in church on Christmas. I just love it. Then we are going to go to her house and help her prepare things for Christmas dinner. We will have sandwiches and chips and dips for supper. I just love the holidays. Did I mention that already?

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas this year. There is just something special in the air isn't there. I think it is the Spirit of the Lord getting ready to do something miraculous, hopeful, joyous. I can feel it can you? If you can't, spend sometime alone, just with Jesus, then let Him whisper into your heart. I bet you will be able to feel it then.

It sounds and feels like our heavenly father reaching out to us in love. Holding His family in His arms. Comforting them, giving them peace, filling their hearts with matchless love and unending joy. Walking with them hand in hand and whispering sweet nothings into the ear of His bride. Telling us to draw nigh to Him. For redemption is near. Telling us to rest in the arms of His perfected love. Telling us to look at the greatest gift ever given. A priceless gift . His Son.

His perfect Son. In a manger, a babe.

O Holy Night the stars are brightly shining, this is the night of our dear Saviour's birth. ......
Fall on your knees, oh hear the angel voices, oh night divine, oh night, when Christ was born oh night divine.

Happy Birthday Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Monday, Monday.....

i am sitting here in my class waiting for tonight's elementary christmas program. can you believe how fast the year is going by? it simply amazes me. it is hard to believe that the holidays are already upon us. wasn't it just the first day of school yesterday?

at the end of the day sometimes i just sit in my room and listen to the silence. when you have 19 little ones, silence in a priceless commodity. i like to be in my room alone at the end of the day and just sit with nothing going through my mind. when i first moved in here several years ago, i prayed over it. there is a very peaceful feeling in this room. there was even before i moved in here. the teacher who was in here is also a christian. she is a person who is larger than life. she is the life of the party no matter where she is. it is fun teahcing with her even though she is not my partner.

david gets to come home for the week, maybe even the weekend. Yea!!!!!
this job is turning out great. i hope it stays that way.

BOY church was incredible yesterday, and evening. the annointing was just flowing from the service. what an incredible worship time we had. and the preaching was so good.


Saturday, December 15, 2007

yea!!! i get to go pick up my baby today!!!

today i get to pick up my hunny in llano. (believe me that is the only reason that i am awake this early on a saturday morning. ) he is flying into llano which is only about 2 1/2 hrs. away. so i am going to pick him up around 9:00. then i have to take him back in the late morning for a 1:00 flight back to addison. so i probably will not be in church tomorrow. but i will be with my hunny!!!!

yea!!!! the girls are so excited to have their daddy home. so am i.

we are going to have a wunnerful day.

happy saturday


Friday, December 14, 2007

Yea!!!! Just Five More Days!!!!!!

well that just about sums it up right there. i am so ready for Christmas break!!!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


i am learning to adjust to life without david here all the time. i have to be honest, it is easier than i thought. (all the credit goes to the big guy upstairs.)

the girls and i have found a routine that we follow daily, or most of the time. i try to get everything done on the weekends, but invariably, something else pops up, and we just adjust.

i am amazed, i shouldn't be, but i am, how i feel like God has been preparing me for this particular time in my life for a long time. maybe my whole life. i feel stronger than i have ever felt in my whole life. like every step i have taken before was ordained for this moment in time. i know i keep talking about this on my blog. many years ago i would not have responded to the well to recent developments.

i have always felt so weak, so insignificant, so unimportant. most of my life i always tried to measure up. always feeling like i never made the mark or even came close to it. always trying to get the approval of someone, anyone, just anyone. working so hard just to be good enough. don't get me wrong, i had glimpses of glitter. i had moments of shining. i had times that were good even great. but then the moment would fade, and that old feeling would come back to me.

but something is different now. something is new now. i have know Christ for so long. or thought i had. i know i was saved. but now it is different. i know what it is like to walk with Him, talk with Him, sit at His feet where nothing else matters. everything fades away. i know that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of me. i do not get my joy from anyone else but Christ. i have learned that when we get our joy from Him and totally lean on Him. it doesn't matter what else is going on in our lives, we can be at peace and rest in the One who created us.

but i keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. and something deep inside me says it won't. i feel at peace, in Him. i feel strong, in Him. i feel safe, in Him. i feel amazingly full of joy, in him. my cup runneth over. i am complete, in Him. how can i ever say thank you? thank you, Jesus.

i am so happy for my hubby. every time i talk to him, his radiance just comes pouring through the phone. he is so excited. for the first time in my life, my happiness for him precludes any feelings that i thought i would have. it is an honor to be his wife and the mother of his children.

i feel like a new bird learning to leave the nest. soon to soar with the eagles.

every step i take, i take in You, You are my way Jesus. every step i take i take in You.
every breathe i take, i breathe in You, You are my way Jesus. every breathe i breathe in You.
waves of mercy..........

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

i don't know how, i don't know where, i don't know when....

as the news of our moving has gotten out, i have had so many people ask me how i feel about it. for a first time in my life, i truly understand what it talks about in scripture when it says, be anxious for nothing, but by prayer and supplication, make your requests know to God and the peace which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds forever. i can truly answer people and say that i am at peace.

do you notice that the word doesn't tell us that the peace sits in our mind and hearts, or lays in our hearts and minds. that would be passive peace. but God's peace is pro-active. His peace GUARDS our hearts and minds. a guard stands watch over who he is protecting, always looking, always ready to do battle for his comm rads. i am a living example of this. Please do not mis-understand, i am not being braggadocios, or conceited, i just feel like for once in my life, i have a grasp on one verse, or principal from the word. IT IS ALL GOD. my normal fleshly nature is to freak, panic, try to control everything, worry, fret. and i am not saying that i won't have periods of this, sometime before we move. i am not saying that i won't shed tears or look at my precious family and feel incredibly sad. or be sitting in church on a sunday morning and feel so lonely, i want to just run out of church, because i know soon i will have to look for another church family. but for this time, and this place, i am at perfect peace. God is truly in control. i feel as if He is holding my heart and my mind in the palm of His hands.

i also believe that because He is helping me be at such peace with all of the changes that are taking place in my life, that my girls are at peace too. they seem to be excited.

i don't know where we will move, or where i will teach, or where my girls will go to school, or where we will live. i just know that there is nothing i can do about it today. so i might as not allow the enemy to have any ground and try to ruin any part of my life. God is strengthening me. i can feel it. daily as i sit with Him, He gives me such peace. i asked Him the first night that david was gone to be my husband, to sleep with me during the night so that i could rest. i so want to be an awesome mommy and daddy to my girls when david is gone. i felt His presence in the room more than i usually do. thank you, Jesus.

i may not know what is going to happen today, tomorrow, but i know God is holding my hand and helping me take my life right now, one day at a time.

Peace, Peace, wonderful Peace, coming down from the Father above. Watch over my spirit and love me i pray, in fathomless billows of love.

The Bible says that we are to pursue peace. Jesus help me to continue to seek You above anything or anyone else.

i don't know how, i don't know where, i don't know when. BUT I KNOW WHO!!!!!
and for now that is all i need to know.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Up, Up, And Away.....

david left for addison last night at about 5:45. the girls wanted to have lunch with him, so we did. they wanted to go to zoo-kinis. so we did. it was actually pretty good. or maybe it was just the company. well anyway, david is in addison at flight training school. he is learning first to fly the citationIV, i think. anyway i know it is some type of citation. he will be in training today and then tomorrow he has his first flight. he was supposed to have three days of training, but they scheduled a flight at the last minute. don't worry, he will be flying left seat so, he will not be in control of the airplane.

there is a saying for left seat pilots, that david taught me a long time ago. it is gear up, flaps up, shut up. that is his job for the next couple of days, months, or a year. until the cheif pilot thinks he is ready for something more. (HEY, do you think david taught me that saying for a reason?) he he he he........ anyway it is more complicated than i made it sound.

he will practice on a simulator all day today. he sounded so excited last night when i talked to him at 11:00 p.m. that is when he got to mckinney. he will be staying with his bobby and gina ( my brother and sister in law) when he is up there working. it is so sweet of them to let him stay there. thank you so much!!!!!

he will be up there for a while i think. i really don't know. i am hoping he will get to come home sometime next week, but i don't know for sure. anyway, i am so excited for him. he has waited so long for an opportunity like this. i could learn a lesson from him about patience.

so my thought are up in dallas with him today. praying for him, hoping that he is having the time of his life. i can't wait for all of the stories he will have when he comes home. they will be great. they always are.

love ya, sky king.......
