Monday, March 31, 2008

My Stay.......

friday i have two interviews with two different teams of teachers. one of the schools that called is my first principal's school. the name of that school is ashley elementary. i will meet with a team of third grade teachers and a team of fourth grade teachers. this meeting is friday at 3:00 p.m.

then on saturday i meet with a fourth grade team for a brand new school. that name of that school is tadlock. i have interviewed with this principal and now i am meeting with the team. i am excited. i am nervous. i am happy and i am sad. it is finally beginning to come to fruition.

i know we have matt and mandy's shower saturday, i am sorry i will miss it. but maybe we can make the wedding. it would also be a great time to go look at houses up in the frisco area.

i would like to finally get the job situation taken care of. that would be nice. it would be one more thing that i could check off my list. i am excited to work in a newer school. but i will be very sad to leave all of my teacher friends at work.

i have discovered that saturday morning has become my favorite time of the week. last saturday i got to spend 1 1/2 hours just with Jesus. the bible study i am doing is phenomenal. i think it one of my most favorite.

the study talks about how we give up our backs for other people to walk all over. beth moore states that Jesus should be the only one we give our backs to. she said we could love one another without giving them our backs to trample on. i have never thought of it like this.

i remember sitting for about twenty minutes just letting this soak into my mind and heart. i also remember that she also stated that Jesus is our stay. just meditate on that for a minute.

looking for a job, Jesus is my stay. need to sell my house, Jesus is my stay. leave my life for a new one, Jesus is my stay. leave my home, family, friends, church, Jesus is my stay. need to find a new house, Jesus is my stay. finding a new church, Jesus is my stay.

not only does Jesus always have my back, BUT JESUS IS MY STAY.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

On The Market........And Other Life Stuff.......

* Today we put our house on the market. Can you hear the thud of the silence? Is this really real? We are listing our house with Coldwell Bankers. Last week we did alot of updating to the yards, both front and back. I planted daisies in the front yard and we also dug up an old bush and planted three Japanese Boxwoods and two other flowering plants. The yard looks really nice. We have also had our guest bathroom fixed. Some of the tile around the bathtub had come loose and the soap dish that was affixed to the wall had come off. The guy that did our tile, did a great job. He also took out some of the old tile in our bathroom and cleaned them up and put them back up. He also did some re-grouting for us. Why don't we make these adjustments when we are living in the house so that we can enjoy them? The flowers are really pretty. At my next house I am going to plant some Gerber daisies. They are so nice. It is amazing what color a few flowers bring to a yard. Don't look now but I think I am growing a green thumb.

Now we have lived here for 9 years and not one house has gone on the market in that time. Well today, three yes, two houses within spitting distance are going up for sale right across the street from us.. WOW!!!!! David called our realtor and told him that that makes us very nervous. He said that it was o.k. because we are right in the middle of the prices of house and we have the most square footage. So I guess this is another area that we are going to have to trust God in.

*I would like to tell you that I am going through all of this with out any stress at all. But that would be a lie. If you notice that I am getting a little fluffier during this time, you know that is how (apparently) I am handling my stress. I guess food is my drug of choice. What a surprise? he he he Like that is news to anyone. Anyone that knows me, knows that I have had a love affair with food for a long time. I am also discovering that I have become rather forgetful, these days. But I am not going to worry about that right now. I am just going to take one day at a time and trust in the Lord.

* My kids took their final math benchmark today and out of 38 children I had 4 fail. One that missed it by one question and 2 that missed it by two questions. One of the students missed it by 8. I don't know that I can do much about that. I have 4 more weeks until my taks test. I will hold tutoring for four more weeks.

* My oldest had to learn a very hard lesson today. Maybe I will write about it some day, but for now I just can't. One of those simple little mistakes girls make when they are trying to be older than they really are. It is not life altering in the big scope of things, but for her it is. I felt so bad for her. I hope she doesn't suffer too much for it at school. Maybe no one will notice. It is tough growing up. I have discovered that it however, is much tougher to watch your children grow up. So many times of joy and so many times of heartache. Poor baby she just cried and cried. I felt so sorry for her and had to cover up my own grin. However she and I will laugh about it someday.

* Hannah is doing great with ymca volleyball. She really loves volleyball and practices it all of the time. She scored several points in each game this Monday night. She is growing up so fast. She turned 10 this week. I thin she is faking it. She is really just 5. We bought her a refurbished ipod for her birthday. She was so excited. She actually squealed with delight.

*Bekah is playing softball. She wanted to skip t-ball. So we moved her up into a higher league. It will be fun to watch her compete. She loves sports.

* David has gotten to stay home for about a week. Before that he was gone for a very long time. I have really enjoyed him being done. I have come to realize over and over how much he does around. We really got a lot done. Even though I told you how I am relieving my stress, I feel so much better now that we are beginning to get some things done. I just thanked David over and over again today for all of the help he gave me.

* Oh by the way I am writing this post from a new laptop we got today. We took down our other computer to stage the house for viewing so David found a good sale at Office Depot so he bought one. He gets his work schedule on the computer and I also have sent out so many resume's with my home e-mail address on them, we felt it was a good purchase.

* I will post some pictures of Hannah's birthday when I learned how to down load on this computer.

* It is late and I am tired so I will write later.


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Easter Dresses and Olive Garden....

yesterday i was planning to stay home and just have a day of chillin'. but my sister called and she asked me to come and help her buy some now clothes. she has a new job and has to come out of her comfy nursing uniforms.

so off to the mall we went. we were also met there buy my sister in law and my niece. of course we went to bealls my favorite store. boy they have some cute spring clothes out now. we spent 5 1/2 hours in the mall. i love helping people buy new clothes and coordinating them together. ( i think that may become my new business when i retire from teaching) i love making beautiful women feel awesome about themselves. anyway, we went to several stores. i also got to help my sister in law buy a new dress for a wedding.

while i was helping them, my daughters were looking for an easter dress. not that i was really prepared to buy them that weekend, but they found really cute outfits that will work nicely for easter. rebekah loves gouchos and hannah loves pants, hannah ened up with the long dress shorts and an adorable top to match. they were so cute. so i figures what would one weekend earlier make?

after that we ended up going to olive garden with the family. well most of the family. my little sister is sick with the flu. sorry baby girl. i missed you.

we just really had a great day. i love to shop with my girls. when we move to frisco, i am sure that there will be lots of stories about me shopping with my girls. we are going to have so much fun. just think of what i will be able to buy up there.

i know that this sounds very superficial, but i love shopping. i know you are used to more spiritual blogs, but sorry girls, this is it for the day.

anyway we had a great time yesterday.


Thursday, March 6, 2008


Well as you could probably guess, we did not make it all the way to Frisco today. We left here about 8:00 a.m. only to be stopped before Abilene. We also slid off the road in between Miles and Ballinger. After that, David decided to try to drive to Abilene. But we didn't even make very far past Jim Ned. There were times that we were going 15-30 miles an hour.

So I called the assistant principal at the school where I was interviewing at at 3:00, and she happily rescheduled for next Tuesday at 12:30. Even though I know God can see tomorrow, and He definitely had His hand of protection upon us, I was still disappointed. Thank you Jesus for guiding us safely home. I know He kept us from harm, however I still felt let down. I was just ready to have this interview out of the way. I am so ready for all of this to be over with. I am ready to have a new job, new house, and be settled. See A. I am great at giving comforting advise, but when the uncertainty lingers, it is easy to get unhinged.

I hear the Lord saying to me on more than one occasion, to keep my eyes focused on Him. Put him first, seek Him first, make Him the first priority in my life. Oh Lord I am trying to the best of my ability, but sometimes my ability really stinks. Can I just have everything now? Can we just be done with all of this now? What patience, wait on Me, really Jesus are you talking to me?

Today as I was driving home from work and picking up the girls, I put in the c.d. from the retreat. Boy did it minister to me. Just to sit at Jesus' feet. Rest in His arms, soak up His love and peace and mercy and grace until we are able to stand up again.

Oh well life goes on and so will I . I look forward to having a great interview next Tuesday. I know that You are preparing a place for us!!!!!!!!!!

Once again I remind myself to rest in my Father's arms.
