Tuesday, November 27, 2007

the world according to kim......

* my daughter made the fourth grade U.I.L. poetry team. she is one of 10 that tried out. the
team is 4 people. i am so proud of her. she tried out for music memory and number sense
and missed the number sense team just barely, her coach said.

* i am tired of my throat hurting. it is hard to teach when your throat is all scratchy.

* my daughters seem to be adjusting to the news of the move. there are sometimes that they are actually excited about it. it is funny how before you are a mom your prayers are always
about you or your spouse. but when you become a mommy, you spend your days and
nights praying for your children. so you entrust your children to God, knowing that He
loves them more than you ever could. even though that is hard to imagine. knowing that
He can see tomorrow when you can't see past the end of your nose. knowing that He already
has the perfect church, the perfect house, the perfect school, the perfect friends, just waiting
for their arrival. they are after all, your children so nothing less than perfect will do. but He
is such a loving God, He gives no less. and so trembling, yet trying to be strong , in faith, you
step out. step by step, small at first, but then as you feel His presence in every step you take,
your steps become bolder. finally knowing that He is guiding you on this perfect path that He
created just for you and no one else.

* we are still waiting to find out if david leaves Fri. Sat. or Sun. for his new flight school. i am so
excited for him. he is just beaming. i love him so much and it is so fun to watch his face light
up when he speaks about his new job. he is almost hopping around the house. he is renewing
his passport.

* i sit in my classroom, thinking what an honor it has been to teach in the school that i have
taught in for 10 years. i have so many kids that i truly love and will miss, when i leave. i
hope they still carry the piece of my heart that i gave to each of them when i was guardian
of their learning. each room has a piece of my heart, where i shared a part of who i was
with them. i hope that each student that i taught, will remember that there is a teacher
out there that truly loved them and prayed for them. my first students are sophomores now.
i hope they remember my smile and the times of laughter that they shared with me. i hope
they remember the times of struggle that they faced in my room and how they came out with
success shinning down on them. they too, have helped me become the person God created me
to be. i will never forget them.

* i love that old school. i grew up there. i learned how to be a christian and stand up for what
i believed in there. i dated my first boyfriend there. went to my first homecoming dance there.
i was a cheerleader there. lettered in sports, held a boys hand, had my first kiss, learned what it took to be a friend in that little rural town.

* i had dreams of my girls growing up there. experiencing some of the "firsts" there, like
i did.

* but the one i call Master has a better plan. i know that. i trust that. i am excited for that.

* i am ready for christmas. i absolutely love the holidays. i love being with my family and


Saturday, November 24, 2007

And The Adventure Continues..........

i knew when i married david 18 years ago that my life would never be boring. he often sayes that about me, but my life is not the one who has the potential for change. most teachers stay at their school, the one that hires them, until they retire. we only leave for one reason. our hubbies get a new job.

well that is our situation now. when God closes one door He always opens another. david got a call as we were coming out of wed. church one week ago. he went for an interview last saturday. this is why i was in the house all day last saturday waiting on the phone call, to see if my life was going to change forever. we found out this last monday that he was hired. he will be flying out of addison starting nov. 30th. the name of the company is rkk management. they fly for two men that own an oil and gas company in dallas.

we will be moving at the end of the school year. david will commute back and forth for now. we did not want to uproot our family in the middle of the school year. i am so excited for my husband. he so deserves this. it is a good company with a good future. even though we know our future is in the hands of God. just as the preacher said last sunday. we do the possible, God takes care of the impossible. this company is going to allow my husband to further his career with out sacrificing his family. God always knows best.

as i am sad to be leaving friends that have SO been a bright and shining part of my life, i am thrilled for my hubby. i am thankful for our blogging community that stretches across the miles. it knows no boundary. so now we will carry our friendships through the miles. what God has brought together No Man, No Job, No Distance, will tear apart. girlfriends are not something that i take lightly.

i will continue to call on you for your unconditional love and support, as you have so generously given to me in the past. i love you. you are apart of God's richest blessing in my life. i take none of you for granted. our hearts are bonded together with gentle cords that have been woven by the master weaver. and as pastor always says a three cord strand is not easily broken.

a new adventure begins. i am exited, sad, joyful, hopeful, and at peace. for my constant companion is ever with me. with His hand holding my heart. leading and guiding me. taking me to places that provide new opportunities. new opportunities that provide us to soar like eagles.

know that you are forever in my heart, my mind, my soul.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

MM!!!! Can You Smell The Turkey And Dressing?

we are out for thanksgiving and i am so excited. today when i got off work david and i and the girls went and looked for a wall oven. we found one at lowe's and we are ordering it tomorrow. we had to come home and remeasure to make sure we were ordering the correct size. we got a great deal on it.

our home was built in the sixties, so our oven doesn't have those vents at the top or bottom like a lot of them do now. so our oven size will actually be a little smaller. but that's ok. they will deliver it in ten days. i am excited to have one again. we have been living with out an oven for four months. but my sister was sweet enough to lend us their counter oven thingie. and for us it was quite big enough. maybe it is a toaster oven? however it is bigger than a toaster oven. can you tell i am not a Master Cook?

this may sound wierd, but one of the things i do at the beginning of every vacation is clean my house. i just enjoy the holiday better, if my house is clean. so me and the girls and david started cleaning at 4:00 and we finished at about 6:30. the girls are really becoming a big help in helping keep the house clean. and just cleaning the house. then we had supper. thank the Lord for hamburger helper. my girls love it.

tomorrow, we will go get all of the groceries for thanksgiving. i always make the pecan pies, one with chocolate chips, one with out. i also make pistachio green salad. it is so good. sometimes hannah and i will make an apple pie. it is a recipe that hannah got from la, and ang. when they were holding that princess class on sunday nights up at the church. by the way thanks.

then tomorrow night, we will go to my sister lisa's house and bake. we have been doing that for many years. the girls really enjoy it. so do i. i love my big sis. thanksgiving is going to be at her house this year.

friday her and i and my sister in law will go shopping. it is going to be a great weekend. it's going to be cold. YAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, November 15, 2007

OK SO I AM NOT AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well as you all know my wonderful, fabulous, incredible, amazing, loving, shall i go on, friends bought me an i shuffle for my birthday. so i decided to put some c.d.'s on my play list and place them on my shuffle. to begin with, i realized that alot of my c.d.s were scratched. i have to admit that i am pretty bad about placing them back in the case. i know, i know.

after i found some c.d's that were not scratched, i tried to place them on my shuffle. now for those of you who do not know these ipod thingies are not the most user friendly pieces of technology. so i got my husband to try to download them on my shuffle. he couldn't figure it out, either. now i must say for me not to be able to figure something out is not that much of a stretch. i am just a little blond under all the unnatural colors that have been applied to my head. well he could not figure it out either. he became really frustrated. this is not his character at all. after all he lives with me and two other women so his natural level of frustration has been raised just a little over the last 21 years.

so we go to church last night and i spoke to rdm, computer wizard extraordinare, and she told both of us how to get the songs on the i pod. i asked her to tell both of us how to do load the music, not trusting myself to remember. so we were ohhhhhhhhhhh, that's how you do it.

we get home and try to load. aslrkty poqseotha;welr!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we still cannot get it to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even after we were given such WONDERFUL directions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So my BRILLIANT husband thinks that maybe, just maybe, it's the mouse!!!!
Today, he bought a new mouse. I got on and became a play list creating junkie.

HA,HA,HA, SO I AM NOT AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please if you feel to the contrary, i give you permission to keep that to yourself! ( he he he he he he he)

I wish there was some great moral to give you at this time, but as typical, with me there is not.
I can't even tell you to look more carefully at the directions, there weren't any.

Anyway, I now am enjoying my shuffle SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!
Music is so much of who i am.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

AWWWW !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday David had to work. So for lunch we went to a friend's house for lunch. In the middle of lunch Bekah just bursts into tear. When we got home, I asked Bekah why she was so sad. She said I just really miss daddy. I rocked her and told her that she could call daddy. She said no. Today when we got home she told him she cried yesterday. He asked why? She said i hurt. David asked, "What hurts?" She looked at him with the most pitiful eyes and said, "My heart daddy, my heart." I literally had tears rolling down my face.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Christmas Time Traditions.....

Yes this is my favorite time of year. I absolutely LOVE the holiday season. It was my favorite time as a child and it is my favorite time as an adult. I think I love it more now because I get to experience Christmas through the eyes of my children. This is long do not feel obligated to read it.

* One of the most fun ways we start off our Christmas is, me and all of my sisters get up at 4:00 a.m. the Friday after Thanksgiving to go shopping. I have saved some BIG money doing this. We start off the morning with hot chocolate and off we go. I go pick up everyone because I have the biggest vehicle. Then after we shop, we go to Ihop for breakfast. Sometimes we go back out after breakfast, and sometimes we go home and take naps. The boys go hunting in the evening or sometimes in the morning while we are gone. My nieces spend the night to watch the girls. It is so much fun.

* We watch EVERY single Christmas show together that comes on the 25 days of Christmas on the family channel. They show all of the old shows that I used to watch when I was a kid at my grandma's house on Christmas Eve. I sit with my kids and we watch them together on the couch. My girls take turns sitting in my lap.

*We listen to All types of Christmas music on our 30 minute trek to school everyday. Our favorite is Manheim Steamroller.

* We decorate our Christmas tree on the first Friday in December. (But this year I think we are going to try doing it the Saturday after Thanksgiving.) Do ya'll have any pro's or con's to that. Any ideas. We watch Christmas movies while we are putting the decorations on the tree.

* The girls get a new ornament every year. We have alot of Hello Kitty and Disney and Princess' on our tree. I have ornaments that my students have given me that always go on the tree. I have some that are 12 years old. When I was growing up my mom put toy ornaments on our tree. Nobody else in the family wanted them so they are now hanging on our tree. Some of them are 35 years old. I love that thought.

* The girls and I always make cookies and pies and treats for the holidays together, and you guessed it we are watching Christmas movies while we are baking.

*When I was a little girl, my grandma used to have Christmas on Christmas Eve. Now that she is with Jesus, one of my aunts on my dad's side of the family, has a get together. We get together with all of my cousins that can make it at my aunt's house. It is nice to do this with extended family that we don't see very often.

* David and I go on a Christmas date to finish up the girls Christmas shopping. We take a whole day on a Saturday. We have lunch and go shopping and go see a movie and sometimes we even pick out things for each other. We have so much fun.

* We always take the girls the night before Christmas Eve to see all the lights and then we go have hot chocolate at Ihop. A lot of times we will also do this with another family. We have so much fun.

* On Christmas Eve my whole family goes to church together. We rotate what church we go to. After that we always come to my house for a lat Christmas Eve supper. We started this tradition because I have a brother in law that never got to come to Christmas with us. He was always working at the fire department. He has been with the f.d. long enough now that he gets to have Christmas with us, but we just kept the tradition up. Hannah and Rebekah also write a letter to Santa and they leave it out for Santa to respond to, which he always does. (With milk and cookies and carrots for the reindeer.) The girls wear new p.j.'s to bed on Christmas Eve. Last year I found matching p.j.s for all of us. We were all in Dallas Cowboy p.j.s. David had blue and me and the girls had pink and blue.

* On Christmas morning, we always have hot chocolate and cinnamon rolls for breakfast, after we open our presents. Santa always leaves one big present unwrapped, because he is way to busy to wrap them. Santa also leaves our stockings full on Christmas morning. We open those first. David plays santa and hands out all of the gifts. We put them in a pile by each child, and then they open them one at a time, from youngest to oldest. David and I participate too.

* After we have our little family Christmas we go to either my parents house or my in-laws, depending upon whose turn it is. We usually do Christmas Day with my mom and the day after or day before, with David's parents since he has family that lives out of town. Usually the day after. This allows them to have Christmas Day with their family with out having to travel on Christmas Day.

Well I told you it was long.

Monday, November 5, 2007

my heart.......

*well i have not fallen off the blogging wagon, i just haven't had much to say. can you believe it is november? i love the fall. it is my favorite time of the year. i love thanksgiving, christmas. i love the crisp air as i walk out to get into my car in the morning. tomorrow it is supposed to be very cold. i like that. i love wearing bulky sweaters and smelling other people's fire places. i love mounds of leaves that are all the shades of fall.

*i am so proud of my children. bekah is learning to read and takes great pleasure in reading to me at night instead of me reading to her. she is so funny. she keeps us laughing. one of the small pleasures that i get to delight in is, that i get to watch her everyday on the playground. i get to watch her interact with her friends. she comes everyday to the "teacher bench" to get a drink from my tea glass. it is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* i am watching hannah turn into a young lady right before my very eyes. now don't get me wrong, i know she is only nine, soon to be 10, but the change in her is taking place slowly. she is getting to that stage where she is beginning to take care of somethings on her own. she is slowly becoming confident in who God has created her to be. i can see her beginning to enter that cocoon, where she will emerge one day as a beautiful butterfly.

*i am blessed to have these two precious beautiful creatures in my life. what a privilege it is to be a mother. it is better than anything in the world. i love my babies. i had a wonderful weekend with them. we went to a tea party, went shopping, went to eat at pizza hut, and took a trip to watch volleyball. i love spending time with my girls. thank you Jesus, for the richest blessing you have placed in my life. lead me and guide me as i help them become the women you have created them to be. let me lead them straight into your arms. help them live a life of extraordinary purpose. allow them to feel your sweet presence in their life. be the lover of their soul. walk with them hand in hand everyday.