Sunday, October 28, 2007

Gal Pals!!!!!!

Gal Pals- what would we do with out them. I surely don't know. I wanted to thank my gal pals for such a wonderful birthday night.

To my peeps: You are bright and shining stars in my life that burn brightly. I am so thankful for your tenderness, your love, the laughter and tears that you share with me. Thanks for laughing with me, singing with me, and walking with me hand in hand on this journey we call life. I am so thankful for all of you. I love you. So to RW, REE, K, Marmie: Here is my thank you wish just for you.

May you be filled with the love of God that compares to none. May His richest blessings be yours. May your life be filled with joy unspeakable, peace that nothing can take away. May happiness find you at every corner. May you be surrounded with people that will always be there for you. May you be blessed in everything you do. May your children rise and call you blessed. I pray that you are surrounded be people who pour into your life just as much as you have poured into mine. I pray I am one of those people for you. I pray that you know how much you are loved by not only me , but by our heavenly father. I love you all so dearly. I pray that you see God's hand in your life as I see how you are being used by God.

Thank you so much for making this years' birthday the best.

You are the melodies in my life.

I Love You,

Saturday, October 20, 2007

I've Been Tagged!!!

O.K. I'v Been Tagged by Meems......

Here are seven different, wild, crazy things about me.

1. When a was little, I wanted to grow up to be the Avon lady. I have no idea why. It is not like I knew someone who sold it.????????

2. I always pretend that David and I have won $ 52,000,000 in the car while I am driving home from work. Never on the way to work, just on the way home. And i think about all the ways we could spend the money. It is always that amount. Never more never less. Like who would need more???????

3. I have a special trick with safety pins. Sometime ask me about them and i will tell you????? How about that, does that drive you crazy?????????

4. I always wanted to be a doo- op girl from the 50's. I love all of the oldies music.

5. I love to play the football game with the sugar packets when you are sitting at a restaurant waiting for your food. I have hit many a stranger in the back of the head while playing. I have never gotten anyone mad at me. They just look at me with delight in remembrance of playing the game or sheer PITY.

6. I absolutely love John Denver music. You don't hear that every day do you?

7. When I have a picture taken of me I take my tongue and suck it to the top of the roof of my mouth and it pulls my turkey waddle up, so I think it makes it look a little smaller in pictures.

I tag Angela and Jenny.......

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Quiet Conversation......

You have romanced my soul! Consume me, Jesus! You have restored my soul like none other. In Your presence you take me from a small child and while I am in the midst of Your grace I am changed. Your tender touch reached the deepest part of me where no one else can see even when they look. You make me want to be more like You! You draw me closer to You and I am not the same. In Your presence I become who I am supposed to be!
My love for You grows and grows. And I realize that I desperately need You. When I am with You like now, a completeness of soul floods me. The journey with You is full of joy, peace, tears, struggle, fear and finally restoration and a wholeness that words cannot express. There are no shortcuts with You. And I often beg You for one. But in Your wisdom, You gently decline. For You love us so much,that You are more concerned with our character and not our comfort. But my how You comfort, when we surrender to Your gently loving hand. It is there in the midst of solitude that we most often find ourselves in, that Your complete presence is found. And if we will take the time to sit at your feet but just a moment, we are ministered to.

It is Your greatest desire to spend time with Your children. I am so sorry that so many times I do not make real time for You. Because I know the insurmountable blessing that You give when I make You a top priority. I love You Daddy. And so long to be with You. Forever be with me. Take me by the hand and lead me through life. I love You Daddy.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

I Am.... i hope it is ok that it is late.

i am joyful and full of life.
i wonder about my real mother and how she could choose to leave us.
i hear the flutter of angels' wings in a gentle breeze.
i see heaven as a grassy meadow.
i want to be everything God intended me to be.
i am joyful and full of life.

i pretend that i can sing like the angels.
i feel things very deeply.
i touch the rays of heaven and dance with the moon beams.
i worry that i won't do a good enough job as a mom.
i cry when i feel overwhelmed.
i am a joyful and full of life.

i understand that i cannot be all things to all people.
i say i love you to someone everyday.
i try to mend the world.
i hope when i die Jesus sayes to me as He takes me in His arms, well done faithful
i am joyful and full of life.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

WOW!!!!!!! They Still Fit....

Does it amaze you when you pig out for a few days and your jeans or new jeans that you just bought still fit?

Let me explain. It is the Halloween Season and from now until after Christmas my kids will be bringing in all sorts of treats for me. Which is so sweet. Many times I have the will power to not eat any of it. But after several days of not eating, a person's will power begins to slip away.

So for the last three days I have had more chocolate than any one human should have, in said three days. Well today I went to target to get a few things. I decided to try on a pair of jeans, as a way to force myself into submission again, thinking there is no way I will be able to fit into that size. And wouldn't you know it, the same size still fits. Now don't get me wrong, it is not like they are a tiny size, but none the less they still fit.

Wow! Now for all of you ready to give me some advise, instead of laughing with me, don't get me wrong I know this pattern can not be continued. I just thought it was kind of comical.

Anyway, just a thought.

Monday, October 8, 2007

dancing with my daddy......

i danced with my daddy yesterday. what happiness filled my soul. i was filled with sheer delight. i felt like a little girl in the arms of her father. what freedom and what bliss i experienced with my heavenly father on Sunday. to be in the presence of the Lord with complete abandon, and know that he is delighted with you.

do you remember being in a beautiful dress that was a whirly twirly dress. well i wasn't in a dress, but i certainly was whirling and twirling with my daddy yesterday. as we twirled together, hand in hand, i remember the warm sunshine on my face just a few short weeks ago. even though there was other people in the room, i was in my secret place with my daddy. He ministered to me love, peace, grace, mercy and sheer and utter joy. He smiled at me, and i smiled at Him the way a little girl smiles at her daddy. in that secret place i felt safe, loved, not judged, worthy, appreciated, adored and so full of love that i could have burst out of my skin.

there are no words to describe how i felt. i remember dancing with my earthly father at my wedding. how safe i felt in his arms, even though i was 22 years old. i remember looking into my father's eyes and feeling so loved. i knew he was so proud of me, even though there were no words spoken. just the way he held me let me know that he approved of my life and my choice in my mate. my father's loving gaze told me of his acceptance.

that's the way my heavenly daddy made me feel yesterday. like i was once again in my wedding dress, dancing on my wedding day. and even though there were 200'ish people at my wedding, while i was dancing with my father, it was just me and him, swaying to the music. the same took place yesterday. just me and my heavenly father dancing with delight in each other. what peace flooded my soul. i just long to stay there with Jesus in our secret place.

just like i kissed my earthy father on the cheek for dancing with me at my wedding, i humbly bowed down to kiss my heavenly daddy's feet. thanking Him for His sweet, sweet presence.

i love you daddy.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

just some ramblings.......

it has been a good week, but i am tired. wow! i am 41 who would have thought? didn't i just graduate from high school just a few short weeks ago. didn't i just have my first baby, no wait, my second? boy life flies by fast.
it is the end of the first six weeks, wow where did the time go. does anyone else just collapse into bed the way i do? you fall asleep and then the next moment it is time to get up again. i have come to realize that the older we get the faster the nighttime flies by.
i don't really know much. we watched the twins play their first jr. high game tonight. travis caught an interception. our family shot up like he had just won the superbowl. you should have seen their mom bursting with pride. it was so exciting, even though we lost the game.
i am looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend. you have a great one. take time to sit and enjoy the weekend. have a cup of coffee, read the paper, or your favorite magazine. talk on the phone with a friend. take time to smell the roses.
set some time just for you and your maker to reconnect.


Monday, October 1, 2007

The Best Birthday Ever.......

I am so blessed. I truly have had the best birthday ever. On Saturday, my family gathered at my mother's house to have lasagna for mine and my sister's birthdays. We had a nice relaxing time.
Last night the girls wanted to give me my gift early, and of course I didn't object. They gave me a beautiful jewelry armoire. It is truly beautiful. Then my girls gave me three pair of earrings and some lotion. I was so surprised by the armoire. The girls were so excited.

This morning, I was called by a dear sweet friend, K, who called me at 6:55 to wish me a happy birthday. It was such a sweet delight. Then when I get to work my secret pal left me a wonderful gift . When I walked down my hall, my teacher partner and friend gave me some body gel that smells heavenly. Several of my students gave me gifts. The sweetest gift was a little boy who gave me five of his trading football cards. I was SO touched. It was so precious. Another little boy gave a football that he had won during our spirit week last week. There are no words to describe how I felt. I also got an apple and a bag of gummy bears that a little girls had brought for her snack that she had purchased last week with her tickets that she had earned.

As we were lining up to go to music, my husband shows up with flowers and 4 w.w. snack cakes with candles in them. Later that day Hannah walks in and gives me pink flowers that David had previously brought out but were in another room. While I am tutoring, David calls to say that some friends have invited us over to eat fajitas. Thanks T &D, I will take you up on it at another time. I am a bit of a hermit, when I get off of work during the week. Especially on Monday. Kids also go to bed by eight during the week. I can't wait to see the new place.

When I get home I find messages from my family, wishing me a happy birthday. David tells me to sit down and pulls up my blog where I see my bright and shiny face. WHAT A TREAT TO HAVE A BIRTHDAY MESSAGE ON MY BLOG FROM MY DEAR, DEAR, SWEET FRIEND, RW. Yes, I do remember the day we met and the 2 hour conversation that we had at that restaurant. You were an answer to my prayers. And you will always hold a part of my heart that belongs only to you. You are such a blessing to my life.

As I read all of your birthday wishes, I am so filled with love for you. You all have so richly blessed my life in so many different ways. You are the bright stars that fill my life with love and light. My world is brighter because of you. May God's richest blessing be yours. May God's face always shine on you. I dearly love you.

Thank you Jesus for your richest blessings. May I grow in your wisdom and grace and love and mercy. May I always bless others the way they have blessed me.

Happy Birthday Kimmie


this is rw i have hijacked kimmie's blog (with permission of course). i thought it would be nice for kimmie's blogging friends to post her a happy birthday comment or even a funny story to help make her birthday extra special. so lets get to posting.