Thursday, February 26, 2009

HE JUST MAKES SO PROUD...........................

I AM JUST SO PROUD OF DAVID. HE IS NOW TYPE RATED IN A CITATION. THAT TICKET IS WORTH ABOUT $12,000. He did so great. He was so relieved when his testing was over. He was in school for about 6 days. On Saturday when he finished school for that day, he came home at 6 and just went to bed. He started studying about five days before he started school.

He took his check ride Wednesday. He was so excited and relieved when he finished the test. Of course we went to celebrate with a dinner at our new favorite restaurant, La Hacinda Ranch. The best fajitas in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We also had, of course, queso. We love queso. It is just the best.

David had that accomplished, exhausted look on his face at the end of the day. But we still went to church. We are beginning a series on Revelation. Our pastor wants us to read it with out all of the denominational ties that we normally bring to reading the scriptures. He just wants us to get out of it what the Holy Spirit wants us to learn. I think that is pretty cool. Normally, on Wednesday nights we read a scripture and then discuss it. I love that. We move the chairs around in the sanctuary and sit in a circle, and openly discuss what we have just read. There are so many mature Christians in the group. I sometimes feel a little daunted. So there are many times I do not say a word.

Tomorrow night we are having a sock hop at school. We are also having a catered meal from Olive Garden. I bought the girls poodle skirts. I will post pictures. They are going to look so adorable. It will be fun. I am helping out with the silent auction. I have to say one thing for our school, they do alot of really cool events.

I remember last year, when I was interviewing for jobs, they were getting ready for this event. Can you believe that we have been up here for 8 months. Where has the time gone?

well ttfn..........

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


that's all i have to say about that.....